Janine Young – design and build consultant ja9young
Design & construction consulting on accessible residential & commercial buildings. Assessment & reporting on legislative compliance for buildings & public spaces.
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Eltham Copper Butterflies
The endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly (Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida) is a fascinating story. This is a rare, good news story within the extinction crisis across Australia of how we can save species. With enough care and resources anything is possible.
This small and endangered butterfly is endemic to Victoria where it was once widely distributed in dry open forest from Melbourne to Western Victoria. Land clearing for urbanisation and farming has resulted in large areas of suitable habitat being removed. Eltham Copper Butterflies (ECB) now only occur in three disjunct regions (Eltham/Greensborough, Bendigo/Castlemaine, Wimmera). The largest ECB habitat area currently centres around Castlemaine and Bendigo, where new colonies have been found between 2007 and 2021 mostly within National Parks and reserves.
Eltham Copper Butterflies is a small attractive butterfly with bright copper colouring on the tops of its wings and can only be seen during summer months when it is an adult. The rest of the year it lives predominantly underground coming out only at night escorted by ants to feed exclusively on Sweet Bursaria leaves.
ECB are members of the Blue butterfly family (Lycaenidae), 79% of which have a relationship with ants. ECB have a weird, wonderful and totally dependent (obligate) three-way relationship with two Notoncus ant species and Sweet Bursaria plants (Bursaria spinosa). Not to mention dependency on an unknown array of environmental factors including food and other requirements of the Notoncus ants themselves, local predators and parasites, aspect, soil type, soil chemistry and other nectar sources for adult ECB to eat.
ECB larvae feed exclusively on Sweet Bursaria. The adult ECB lay their eggs on or at the base of Sweet Bursaria plants that host a Notoncus ant colony. Notoncus ants are nocturnal ants which live underground in nests, including at the base of Sweet Bursaria plants. Once hatched the larvae are guided by Notoncus ants into the ant nest where they are tended and guarded. This amazing service is achieved through a mixture of trickery and treats. Trickery in that the larvae of this family of Blue Butterflies are believed to give off chemicals and make sounds that can pacify ant aggression, mimic ant brood hormones, attract and alert ants if the ECB larvae is alarmed. Treats in that the ants feed from sugary secretions which are produced from ECB larvae in proportion to how many ants they need to guard them.
These nocturnal ants then lead the larvae out at night to browse on the Sweet Bursaria leaves and defend them from the many nocturnal predators and parasites that see them as a juicy snack. ECB larvae overwinter in the ant nest and are led out at night to graze. Larvae pupate in or near the ant nest, with adult butterflies emerging from October to March each year, peaking from November to January. The adults feed on nectar of flowers, especially Sweet Bursaria flowers, before they lay their eggs at the base of the plant, and on the cycle begins again.
Find out more about the Eltham Copper Butterfly here!
Coffee Kennels – Ethical Breeder of Groodles
At CoffeeKennels we are a family owned, registered and ethical breeder of Groodles located between Castlemaine and Kyneton in central Victoria.
We take great pride in providing healthy well adjusted pups to their new human families and we’re dedicated to making sure our dogs receive the love, care, and attention they deserve.
Unlike a typical breeding facility who home their dogs in 7m x 3m pens with concrete floors and 1.8m wire walls, we have large, grassed areas where our dogs can frolic and play. They all sleep inside our house at night as they are a part of our family. Our dogs have a 44m square exercise yard that they mingle with each other to get their socialisation and are inside during their pregnancies in air-conditioned comfort for their wellbeing. Our puppies have constant socialisation to ensure they are well adjusted parts of their new family from day one of leaving us. We use Early Neurological Stimulation techniques for puppies. To put it simply, ENS introduces puppies to mild forms of stimulations and stressors. These stimulations can kick start their neurological system and improve their natural abilities. The ENS puppy training consists of different body handling exercises.
Go to Coffee Kennels website
Castlemaine Society
The Castlemaine Society aims to provide constructive consultation with Council to ensure sympathetic planning as it relates to the heritage and streetscape of the town. The Society’s primary objective is to maintain a balance between residential, environmental, recreation and commercial interests, and to encourage genuine, effective community consultation with Local Government.
Click here to visit the Castlemaine Society website.
Arborcam – Nest box inspection cameras
Superior image quality nest box inspection cameras, at an affordable price, with the fantastic after sales service.
Go to our website to watch our video to learn more about our inspection cameras. For further specific product information visit our products page.
Visit Arborcam here
Castlemaine Bush Kinder
Rose Demaria’s Castlemaine Bush Kinder and Bush Babies – now under the Wild Wisdom umbrella. Early Years Nature Program for Kinder children and families with a focus on local Dja Dja Wurrung language and cultural values.
The primary focus of Bush Kinder and Bush Playgroup is to develop children’s love of learning. To feel and experience nature in a way that helps children to connect and reconnect with themselves, others and discover their place within the world.
The program celebrates getting outside, getting muddy, exploring nature’s elements, learning respect for the natural world around us and fostering the natural awe we all have for the magic of all living things.
Providing an inclusive Early Years Nature Program for Kinder children and their Families which includes an Indigenous curriculum that teaches the local Dja Dja Wurrung language and cultural values through rhyme, songs, stories and bush crafts/skills – Incorporating the teachings of the rich Box Ironbark flora and fauna through the local Indigenous seasons.
To encourage young children to spend more time outside in Nature, exploring and experiencing nature based skills and challenges. The program offers sustainable practices through teaching children about their local environment, conservation and protection.
Laurie Electrical
- new power points
- lighting
- ceiling fans
- smoke alarms
- fault-finding and repairs
- switchboard upgrades
- re-wiring
- ovens
- cooktops
- hot water services
- tv antennas
- phone, data and more…
Visit Laurie Electrical here »
Castlemaine Support Services
Planned support for people with physical and intellectual disabilities
- person centred approach for support and planning, discovering what people want, the support they need and how they get it
- qualified support workers
- choice / control / empowerment – participant is at the centre of decisions which relate to their life
- active listening and thinking together
- sharing ideas
Visit Castlemaine Support Services here »
Di Green Massage Castlemaine
Massage in Castlemaine and Maldon.
A qualified massage therapist with over 20 years’ experience. From Melbourne College of Natural Medicine with a Certificate IV Massage, Certificate IV Aromatherapy and an Advanced Diploma in Health Science (Naturopathy), and a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
View Di Green Massage Castlemaine here.